Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves – the representation of the working classes in art

Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 2.00 pm

Linda Smith

Linda Smith holds two first-class degrees in Art History. She is  an experienced guide and lecturer at Tate Britain, Tate Modern and the Dulwich Picture Gallery, and lectures to secondary school audiences and independent arts societies.  A popular lecturer with Fylde DFAS, this will be Linda’s third visit to the Fylde.

This lecture looks at ordinary working people: skilled and unskilled workers in both urban and agricultural environments, craftsmen, artisans, shopkeepers, domestic servants, entertainers, prostitutes, beggars, paupers, slaves.

Throughout the history of western art, they have always been there: for centuries as mute observers, background detail or comic relief. But as the world changes, art changes, and this talk will discuss the move of low-life subject matter from the despised and vulgar fringes of popular taste into the respectable mainstream; and out again into political radicalism and avant-garde edginess.


The lecture notes leaflet can be downloaded here


Below are photos of this lecture