Tina Dempsey and Tracy Hill: Grounding
18 January – 8 March 2025
Grounding is a research and development project to explore the slow act of walking, thinking, observing, and making – leading to creative responses and new ways of thinking about place.
Focusing on the Fylde coast, artists Tina Dempsey and Tracy Hill aim to reveal new understanding of familiar journeys and landscapes through slow and embodied experiences, reconnecting to ourselves, each other, and the land.
Alongside research findings and new artworks, Tina Dempsey and Tracy Hill have also selected artworks from the Grundy’s collection to accompany the display. These artworks focus on representations of the sea, some of which haven’t ever been shown in the Grundy before.
Further information:
- Open: Tuesday – Saturday 10.00am – 4.45 pm; closed Sundays and Mondays
- Location Grundy Art Gallery, Queen Street, Blackpool FY1 1PX
- Further information 01253 478170
- Email: grundyartgallery@blackpool.gov.uk