Annual General Meeting, Wednesday 3 November 2021, at 1.30 pm
Dear Member,
The Annual General Meeting of the Arts Society Fylde will be held in the Lowther Theatre, Lowther Pavilion, West Beach, Lytham St Annes FY8 5QQ on Wednesday 3 November 2021, beginning at 1.30 pm.
Nominations are invited for two roles on the Committee: Vice Chair, and Events Coordinator.
Please send nominations (you can download the Nominations Form here) by 5 pm on Thursday 30 September 2001 to: C. McHugh, 49 West Cliffe, Lytham FY8 5DR or email: mchugh2bebtinternet.com
Note: Nominees, proposers and seconders must be members of the Society.
Proposers/seconders must obtain permission from nominees before submitting their names. If there are several nominees for the same committee role, election shall be by show of hands at the AGM.
Note for Nominees
You should be able to commit to the Society: attend at keast 6 of the 10 monthly committee meetings, and enjoy meeting and working with people, sharing ideas and regularly helping at the monthly lectures and Study Days. Experience of working with or on a committee would be helpful but not essential as mentoring is available.
Should you wish to discuss either of the roles please telephone Christina McHugh on 01253 739368 or myself on 01254 888423.
Please come along and support this important meeting and do please consider joining our Society’s friendly and lively committee, you will be made most welcome.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Bramley-Haworth,
18 September 2021