Lectures to watch from home
Some Art Society groups are making their lectures available to others as guests for a small fee. The main person who is disseminating the links is Richard Lebus from the Richmond Art Society. He recently was given an award from The Art Society for his work in helping art lovers get through the pandemic.
Upcoming lectures are:
Tuesdays 6 – 27 April at 7.00 pm – Turner’s House Trust in St Margaret’s will be hosting a series of Turner-themed Zoom talks for four Tuesday evenings in April. The talks will last for 30 minutes, followed by Q&A:
• 6 April – Turner’s House of Arts: Turner at Petworth
• 13 April – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Turner’s Sense of Scale
• 20 April – Turner and the ‘Matchless Vale of Thames’
• 27 April – Understanding the Fine Print: Turner’s Picturesque View on the Southern Coast of England
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jmw-turners-sandycombe-years-tickets-140971963939
Cost: £15 for all four talks
Further information: Tel: 020 8892 5485 or info@turnershouse.org https://turnershouse.org/whats-on
Wednesday 14 April at 6.00 pm – A lecture organised by The Friends of St Anne’s Church, Kew titled Gainsborough in London by Susan Sloman, who is an independent art historian. She will also discuss her new book on Thomas Gainsborough’s arts and life in London between 1774 and 1788.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/92227451155
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xR5YTLkecyk
Tickets: No ticket is needed but you are requested to make a £10 donation at https://www.friendsofstanneskew.org.uk/2021/02/08/gainsborough-in-london
Further information: Contact Lady Lorraine Neale at admin@friendsofstanneskew.org.uk
The Arts Society Richmond links
The Arts Society Richmond has made available Zoom and YouTube links for their events up to the beginning of June. There is no pre-registration and no ticket is needed; just click on a link and enjoy.
Richard Lebus asks please would you make a donation of £5 per lecture either by bank transfer to Sort Code 40-38-18, Account 31024191 or by cheque payable to: The Arts Society Richmond, 238 St Margaret’s Road, TwickenhamTW1 1NL.
There is no need to email Richard that you have done a bank transfer and please don’t put your name in the reference box as that appears on the bank statement anyway. Please use a short reference such as Kyoto or Several. Instead of sending lots of small payments, you may prefer to store them up and send a larger amount now or later.
The lectures are:
Tuesday 30 March at 9.00 am – a 1½ hour walk in Kyoto to see the city and hopefully the cherry blossom. Kyoto is the cultural capital of Japan and was the Imperial capital for about 1,000 years before the capital moved to Tokyo. It is home to over 2,000 temples and shrines, 17 UNESCO World Heritage sites, and also palaces, incredible gardens and the iconic Geisha. Our guide, Richard Farmer, will show us around the traditional Gion and Higashiyama districts with their tea houses, traditional Machiya townhouses, shrines and gardens, and hopefully we will see Japan’s glorious cherry blossom in bloom. The walk will last 1½ hours with time for questions & answers afterwards. The clocks move forward the weekend before in the UK but not in Japan, so 9 am UK time will be 5 pm Japan time. There will not be a handout this time so you might like to print out a couple of map pages if you would like to follow where we are walking.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/93971513566
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/03_jjwpPIhg
Tuesday 6 April at 8.00 pm – lecture on Moorish Architecture: The Legacy of a Vanished Kingdom with Ian Cockburn. The Alhambra of Granada, the Great Mosque of Cordoba and the Alcazar of Seville are the three most impressive monuments to the architectural creativity of the Moors in Spain, but there are many other examples worthy of mention too. The classical origins that influenced the Moorish style are less well-known, but fascinating to explore, as too is the unique interior decorative style developed by the Moors, which gives their architecture its beauty and exotic appeal – an appeal so strong that the Christians sometimes copied it, even as they slowly reconquered the territory from its Islamic rulers. Arts Society lecturer Ian Cockburn will provide a comprehensive introduction to the Iberian peninsula’s Moorish architecture.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/95515969724
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/p-uoA-3s3mk
Tuesday 20 April at 11.00 am – a stroll around Tate Britain with Laurence Shafe. Absolute Monarch to Civil War 1540 – 1650.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/99876558035
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/B-oZc6YO_EQ
Tuesday 4 May at 8.00 pm – lecture on William Hogarth: Harlots, Rakes and China Pots with Lars Tharp. Pots, crocks and chinaware tumble through Hogarth’s domestic dramas. His detailed paintings and prints are wittily infiltrated with recognisable ceramics – earthenware, stoneware and china – in an age drunk on luxury.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/96602157192
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/UrD9rD7dFIA
Tuesday 25 May at 11.00 am – a visit to the Wallace Collection with Jo Rhymer. Jo will focus on a small but varied selection of paintings in the Wallace Collection in London and will increase our familiarity with the Collection as well as offering a “toolkit for looking” which you can apply to other paintings. We will learn how to appreciate the subtleties of paintings, which are only apparent when we allow ourselves the time to look closely.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/99614875137
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NPuxy-lmue4
Tuesday 1 June at 8.00pm – lecture on Cloisters: Remarkable Cathedral Survivors with Janet Gough. In spite of Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 1530s, Medieval cloisters have probably survived better in England than anywhere else. This is largely because English cathedral communities recognised their great usefulness and experimented with cutting edge architecture in building cloisters and in so doing created some extraordinarily beautiful spaces. This talk follows the development of the 15 or so cathedral cloisters in England with spectacular photographs.
Zoom link: https://theartssociety-org.zoom.us/j/92549431293
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/80sklr1BorY