We’ve Gone Mobile!
Fylde DFAS has launched a mobile version of its increasingly popular website. Anyone with a smart phone or tablet can now access the specially adapted mobile site, and iPhone users can download a Fylde DFAS icon, enabling them to link directly.
Over the last few months we have been monitoring our website usage and have noted that the number of mobile users has been increasing month on month. Given this growing demand, it was decided to offer users a mobile site so that they could access DFAS information whenever they were away from home.
As well as providing a wide range of Fylde DFAS-specific information, the site is fairly unique in that it offers lots of information on current exhibitions at major art galleries in the North West. The mobile site will enable users to immediately see what’s on when they are out and about.
Fylde DFAS is committed to utilising new technology for the advantage of its members. The mobile site is the latest is a series of developments that has seen us adopting Twitter, Facebook and Flickr for the benefit of the FyldeDFAS community.