The Tiger In Asian Art
Wednesday 1 June 2022 at 2.00 pm at the Lowther Pavilion. Members can also watch via Zoom. Guests may attend the lecture – £8 pp (pay on door)
The lecture notes leaflet can be downloaded/printed here
Zara Fleming
Zara Fleming first visited us in February 2010 when she gave a lecture on Bhutan – The Kingdom Of The Thunder Dragon. Zara is a freelance lecturer, art consultant and exhibition curator specialising in the art and culture of Tibet, the Himalayan areas and Mongolia. Initially based at the V&A, but also worked with the Central Asian Department of Bonn University, the Orient Foundation, the Royal Academy, Tibet House, the National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside and Asia House. In addition to lecturing for The Arts Society, she lectures for museums, universities, Asian art societies, and private associations. Guest lecturer and tour guide on numerous trips to the Himalayas. Edited Masterpieces of Mongolian Art: Vol 1 and has published many articles in the field of Buddhist art and culture.
Intriguing and beautiful, tigers are some of the most awe-inspiring and mysterious creatures on earth. Feared and revered in equal measures, they have inspired countless legends, beliefs and works of art. This lecture explores the significance of the tiger as a symbol of power and protection in its Asian homeland, illustrated by a diverse range of art and artefacts. The tiger is seen in early Chinese bronzes, Japanese netsukes, Indian paintings, Tibetan rugs and other Asian works of art. It will also comment on the current situation of the tiger and how this magnificent animal now faces the threat of extinction.
Caption:Victory or Defeat by Hu Zaobin (Museu de Arte de Macau Exhibit). Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain