Recording artefacts at Lytham Hall
During 2023, The Arts Society Fylde Committee decided it would be good to start a heritage project as it was some years since our last project. After some discussion, Lytham Hall were approached and they felt there was a requirement where our help would be welcome. They required a list of all the items in the Hall – a daunting task! It was explained that the volunteers would not necessarily have any expert knowledge but the Archivist and Manager felt this would not be a problem. So we appealed for any interested volunteers and got together a team to start work at the beginning of April 2024.
People organised themselves, mostly in pairs, and chose a room to work in. They then complete a form provided by the Hall to describe the item – colour, materials, decoration, size, any distinguishing marks etc; the item is then photographed (using an iPhone – no professional photography). Each artefact is given a unique number based on location. The information is passed to the Hall’s archiving section who enter the details onto their database.
This is an ongoing project. If you are interested you are welcome to join us on a Thursday morning, 10-12 at the Hall – come for a sample session to see what it involves. There is no commitment to be there every week and no time limit on how long we take on this project. Please contact Hilary Cresswell: hilarycresswell3@gmail.com.