Saltaire And East Riddlesden Hall
March 2011
On Wednesday, 23rd March 2011 a full coach of members and friends went to Salts Mill in Saltaire, Shipley, Yorkshire in the morning and in the afternoon on to East Riddlesden Hall, a National Trust house in Keighley.
The Mill was built in 1853 by Titus Salt to manufacture fine wool fabrics. The Mill now incorporates the 1853 Gallery which hosts a permanent exhibition of works by David Hockney and on the same floor the Burmantoft Pottery Exhibition. On the second floor, there are various shops selling books, jewellery, clothing and kitchenware, Gallery 2 with paintings and drawings of Saltaire and an Exhibition of the history of Saltaire with many fascinating personal treasures of the Salt family. The Mill, Saltaire United Reformed Church and Saltaire Village are now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Whilst some members explored the village guided by Bill Cartmell approximately 25 of us were treated to an excellent dramatized talk about the life and times of Saltaire residents in the 1800’s by Maria Glot in the beautiful United Reformed Church. The village incorporates houses of different sizes reflecting the status of their nineteenth century residents, a school, almshouses, an institute, a hospital and allotment gardens. Titus Salt provided all these benefits to provide a healthy and strictly moral environment for his workers.
After a quick lunch we travelled to East Riddleden Hall in Keighley. We divided into 4 groups and with our excellent National Trust guides we enjoyed an informative tour of this 17th Century Manor House, the Tithe Barn in the grounds and the well stocked gardens and lake. The house comprises well restored living accommodation on two floors with beautiful furniture, embroidery, a priest hole and rose windows. We all enjoyed a variety of cakes and scones with a welcome drink in the Tearoom before leaving for the journey home.
Below are photos of this excursion
- Salts Mill
- Salts Mill
- Salts Mill
- Salts Mill
- Salts Mill
- Salts Mill
- East Riddlesden Hall
- East Riddlesden Hall
- East Riddlesden Hall