Picasso’s Women
Wednesday 3 October 2012 at 2 .00 pm
Nirvana Romell
From 2000-03 Nirvana Romell ran her own art history courses in Johannesburg, South Africa, and was invited to lecture to societies and companies. Since her arrival in the UK in Oct, 2003, she has been working as a freelance lecturer. She regularly presents art history courses and lectures at the Manchester Art Gallery, the Walker National Gallery in Liverpool, Wilmslow Guild (life-long learning centre) and Prestbury Art Appreciation Society. She also organises and presents tours of permanent and temporary exhibitions across the UK, and study tours to Croatia
It takes a woman, or two, or three………to explain the mastery of this subject.
Nirvana’s lecture traces the history of Picasso’s turbulent, romantic life and its influence on his work – technically and conceptually. His seemingly detached, abstracted compositions become alive and personal in the context of a new romance, lovers’ quarrels, stress of love triangles or wrath of the man scorned.
Below are photos of this lecture
- Marie Riley looking at the information boards
- Chair Hilary Alcock
- Lecturer Nirvana Romell
- Drawing the raffle
- The winning ticket