Shock! Horror! Probe! The art and artifice of Fleet Street: A newspaper story in pictures
Wednesday 2 July 2014 at 2.00 pm
Geri Parlby
Geri is a former Fleet Street journalist and film PR. She has a first class honours degree in History and Theology, a Masters in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute and a Theology doctorate. She has been lecturing for the past ten years and now heads up the Visual Arts distance learning programme for Exeter University and is principal lecturer on NADFAS South West Area’s History of Art Foundation Certificate at the University of Plymouth. She is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Roehampton.
Since the end of the 15th century, when Wynkyn de Worde set up England’s first printing press and after 1702, when the first newspaper, the Daily Courant, moved in, the term “Fleet Street” has been synonymous with newspaper journalism. In this lecture we will be looking at the ups and downs of this notorious ‘Street of Shame’ via the art that illustrated its stories.
The lecture notes leaflet can be downloaded here.
Below are photos of this lecture and our Volunteers’ afternoon tea party held at the Pavilion
- Setting up the sound
- Lecturer Geri Parlby
- Raffle winner
- Volunteers’ afternoon tea
- VVolunteers’ afternoon tea
- Linda & Geoff Tolson at the Volunteers’ afternoon tea party