Life with Lytton: Dora Carrington and her circle
Wednesday 7 May 2014 at 2.00 pm
Sandra Pollard
Sandra Pollard has lectured for over 35 years, presently for the Open University and Liverpool University School of Continuing Education. She works with the National Trust, the Art Fund, WEA and is a Trustee of the Bowes Museum. She is a founder member, past Chairman and now President of North Yorkshire and South Durham DFAS.
Carrington (as she preferred to be called) lived a short but full life, dominated by her devotion to Lytton Strachey, the biographer and member of the Bloomsbury Group. She was a very talented artist who painted many portraits of her friends and highly individual landscapes, as well as decorating tiles and furniture with flair and wit. Her complex personality led to several intimate and complicated relationships with men and women and this lecture discusses her world of art and intellect, fun and tragedy, through her own work as well as through the paintings of the other artists in her circle.
The lecture notes leaflet can be downloaded here.
Below are photos of this lecture
- Lecturer Sandra Pollard
- Vote of thanks from Gerry Corless
- Presenting the raffle prize