Pugin – God’s romantic Victorian Architect
Wednesday 6 January 2016
Hugh Elwood
President of Fylde DFAS, Hugh Ellwood studied philosophy in Rome, followed by a degree in architecture at the University of Manchester. Previously an architect partner with Building Design Partnership, the largest multi-discipline design organisation in the UK, he was for some years an external examiner in architecture at the University of Manchester. For several years Hugh was a visiting lecturer in the history of art and architecture at the University of Central Lancashire. Hugh is a watercolourist who has also lectured extensively to various societies and organisations, including cruises, on art and architecture.
An extraordinary story of a self-educated man who was shipwrecked, bankrupted, widowed twice, and yet kick-started the Gothic revival and changed the face of Victorian England before he went mad and died at the age of 40.
Below are photos of this lecture
- Information boards
- Lecturer Hugh Elwood
- Drawing the raffle
- Raffle winner
- Raffle winner