Invitation to the White Church for the presentation of the Church Record
Sunday 6 May at 10.45 am
Following the successful completion of its Church Record of the Fairhaven United Reform Church (White Church), The Arts Society Fylde members are invited to a special service by Rev David Phillip to be held at the White Church on Sunday 6 May.
Our Society’s Church Recording volunteers have spent nearly six years cataloguing each item within the Church and its history. The result is a beautifully bound and gold blocked 119 page book, detailing items such as memorials, metalwork, stonework, woodwork, textiles, paintings and windows, enhanced with 93 photographs and line drawings.
The book will be presented during the service, which starts at 10.45 am. There will be a chance to meet the Church Recorders, as well as look at the book. Refreshments will also be served.
If you’re interested in attending please contact Jacqueline Love Tel: 07969 704587; Email: jacqueline@lovedigitalphotography.co.uk before 4 May, or you can sign up at the next lecture on Wednesday 2 May.