The Elgin Marbles
Wednesday 7 June 2017
Dr Stephen Kershaw
Dr Kershaw is Classics tutor for the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education and is professor of history of art for the European Studies programme of Rhodes College. He has worked extensively on Greek and Roman topics and his publications include A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths and A Brief Guide to Classical Civilization. He is working on A Brief Guide to the Roman Empire.
It is around 200 years since the British government bought the so-called Elgin marbles from Lord Elgin. Dr Kershaw explores the aesthetics, the history and the debate surrounding these fascinating and controversial works of ancient Greek art. He will consider how they were created and why they are so highly regarded. He will review their history up to the acquisition by Lord Elgin and their subsequent move to the British Museum. The passionately held views both for and against their repatriation to Greece form part of Dr Kershaw’s lecture.
Caption: Frise West, II, 2
The notes for this lecture can be downloaded here
Below are photos of this lecture
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- Lecturer Dr Stephen Kershaw
- Vote of thanks from Sue Cornah