Salute to the Holiest – Lutyens, churches and the commemoration of war
Wednesday 6 November 2013 at 2.00 pm
Clyde Binfield
Man of Kent, Clyde Binfield is a Cambridge graduate, cruise lecturer, Professor Emeritus in History at University of Sheffield, and describes himself as a straight-up-and-down historian returning to some first and last loves – buildings, their creators and their settings.
The focus of the lecture is on the commemoration of the Great War. The heroes are the Imperial War Graves Commission and Sir Edwin Lutyens. The context is Lutyens in Rome, Oxford, Norfolk, and Hampstead Garden Suburb, and visions of an England that never quite was. The action moves from the Cenotaph to Thiepval, encompassing the work of other men, notably Blomfield at Ypres and Baker at Delville Wood, before returning to Lutyens and his vision for Liverpool’s Catholic Cathedral. It celebrates the climax of landscape and architectural tradition.
The lecture notes leaflet can be downloaded here.
Below are photos of this lecture and the AGM
- Information boards
- Kate Cartmell, AGM
- Hilary Alcock & Marie Riley, AGM
- Lecturer Clyde Binfield
- Drawing the raffle